Downloadable Files for Your 5-Day Detox
Before the detox begins, please read the handbook. Look through the recipes and circle those that interest you. Choose the shopping list that works best for you. Some people prefer the "Complete Shopping List" while others like the simpler version. Get excited. This is going to be a delicious week!
Detox Program Guides:
1. Handbook
2. Suggested Recipes
3. Shopping List
4. Complete Shopping List
Bonus Materials:
Make It Last Handbook
Stocking Your Pantry
Self Care Secrets
Detox Supplements
Strategies to Deepen Your Detox
Smoothies, Green Juice, Lattes and Elixirs
The Problem with Plastics
What are Chia Seeds
Eating Out Guide
Breathing Techniques
1. Handbook
2. Suggested Recipes
3. Shopping List
4. Complete Shopping List
Bonus Materials:
Make It Last Handbook
Stocking Your Pantry
Self Care Secrets
Detox Supplements
Strategies to Deepen Your Detox
Smoothies, Green Juice, Lattes and Elixirs
The Problem with Plastics
What are Chia Seeds
Eating Out Guide
Breathing Techniques